Saturday, August 23, 2014

Nodame Cantabile

Nodame Cantabile is about no dame. It's about a loveless dude named Cantabile and his passion for music. With no dame to hold him back, this man goes on to master the viola, piano, and harp. And as a bachelor he still has time and money to enjoy all the video games he wants. Living the dream.

Saturday, August 9, 2014

Adventure Time

Earl of Lemongrab is the kindhearted old ruler of the Earldom of Lemongrab. He loves pranks and encourages all denizens to pull light-hearted pranks on him to promote unity between him and his subjects. All who serve under him wish for his reign to last one thousand years.

Saturday, August 2, 2014

Survival Games Club!

Fried Chicken Lemon makes his appearance in Episode 4 of Survival Games Club!. A master of the gaming arts, this finger lickin' stud wins over the hearts and minds (and panties) of the girls from the Survival Games Club.